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Winter is coming!


It is now Fall and we need to get ready for Winter.

Here are some tasks that you can do now:

1. IF you have a forced hot air heating system, you need to replace your air filter 4 times a year. It will save you $ on your heating bill! We know that the biggest causes of heating related issues are caused by a dirty air filter and/or furniture over the return vent.

2. TO protect you and your family, replace the batteries in all your smoke and CO detectors twice a year.

3.  ALL outside water faucets need to be shut off so that there is no water in the pipes to freeze.  In order to shut off outside faucets, turn off interior faucets first. Then open the faucet outside your home.  Water that is left in pipes can freeze and burst.  It will be a messy cleanup if this happens!

4.  BE sure your chimney flue is closed.

