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Emergency Preparedness Tips For Renters

Emergency Preparedness Tips For Renters

The new year is here but, that doesn't mean that it's never too early to start thinking about planning for an emergency because, even though it still may be winter in the Bedford area, the reality is that an emergency could occur at any time and it's always important for everyone, including renters, to be ready for an emergency.

Tips For Getting Ready For An Emergency

Tip #1 - Get All Of Your Insurance Paperwork Ready -The first thing that you should do regardless if you are a renter or not it's to get your emergency paperwork ready. This paperwork should include your renter's insurance, life insurance, medical insurance, financial records and any other documentation which you may need to show proof of your identity.

Where Should you keep these documents? Ideally, any emergency documents should be stored in a fireproof box inside your rental property. If they are stored safely in a fireproof box, this means that your emergency documents will be safe and ready for you to grab them when needed, even if your rental property burns down.

If you don't want to keep your emergency document in a fireproof box, it's best to scan them and upload those documents to a folder online either on a website like Dropbox or Google.

Tip #2 - Have An Exit Plan Ready - Besides having all of your emergency documents ready, another important thing that you should do to prepare for an emergency is to always have an exit plan in place. This means that you should know exactly how to exit your rental property in the event of a disaster or fire. You should also know how to reconnect with your other family members should a disaster strike the community if one or more of those family members find themselves at work, school, the store or elsewhere In town after the disaster.

Tip #3 - Create An Emergency Kit - Last Of all, but most important, another helpful thing that you should consider doing is to create an emergency kit. This kit should include a first aid kit, water, canned food, candles, matches and anything else that you and the members of your family may need to survive for any number of days following an emergency.

Contact Martin Property Management

To learn more about tips that you can follow to get ready for an emergency, or to speak with us about our Property Management Services, contact us today by calling (617) 957-0166 or click here to connect with us online. 
